March 01, 2014

Voice Recognition and Electronic Presentations

Wouldn't it be so much easier to just say what you need to write rather than typing it all out?

Firstly, typing is time consuming especially for those who are dyslexic or have a disability and only one task can be completed at a time (all your concentration is on hitting the right keys). A voice recognition software is the idea of one speaking into a microphone that is attached to the computer and having those words appear on to the screen typed out for you. The voice recognition software is not new technology but has been around for many years and over the past few years has been becoming increasingly popular. Doctors, physicians, writers are all making use of the voice recognition system since it has many benefits.The voice recognition software is extremely helpful to individuals who have a lot of tasks to be completed but limited time, the disabled, the blind and to those with learning disabilities for example a person who is suffering from dyslexia. 

The video below is an excellent example how voice recognition has allowed individuals to complete more tasks in a limited amount of time. Stop Typing Start Doing

In today's day and age, instead of giving each employee who has attended a presentation a physical hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation, the presentation can be projected from a laptop or PDA and can be posted online for all the employees to view. Presentations can include:   
- Video  
- Audio   
- Photos   
- Animations   
- Hyperlinks    
- Sound effects      
    and MUCH MORE!! 

Here is an example of a creative PowerPoint presentation that can be made and shared with all the employees of a business in a matter of seconds!                                             Creative PowerPoint Example

Food For Thought:What are other features you can add to a presentation to make it more creative and eye catching? Feel free to leave links to creative presentations, I would love to see them! 

Guffey, M.E., Lowey, D., Rhodes, K. and P. Rogin (2013). Business Communication: Process & Product. Fourth Brief Canadian Edition.         Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education.

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