February 28, 2014

Handheld Wireless Devices and Company Intranets

Today I will discuss two other communication technologies that are reshaping the world of work:
                            - Handheld Wireless Devices
                            - Company Intranets
How many of you own a handheld wireless device? 
Almost everyone's hand would be up whether it is an iPhone, BlackBerry, Samsung etc. 
Because of the new advanced technology there are lightweight, handheld devices which allow us to make phone calls, check e-mails, and browse the web ANYWHERE there is a wireless network. Businesses avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building by installing wireless Internet. Handheld wireless devices has enabled businesses to complete orders, and send out receipts without ever having to enter an office. 
Having wireless Internet, whether at home or work, has allowed individuals to complete tasks from remote locations, allowed parents the option to work from home and has not confined employees to one cubical (the concept of open office) 

To share insider company information, many companies have adapted their very own protected Web Sites called intranets. Intranets handle company e-mails, announcements, policy handbook, employee information and frequently asked questions. 

 Other benefits of company intranets are: 
  1. Employees are able to collaborate and communicate with documents, people (both internal and external), teams, and projects
  2. Intranet sites can connect with external data sources (Wikipedia, Google etc…) to provide additional real time data and enhanced knowledge across the business. 
  3. Intranets have become the standard in managing data including; policies, procedures, guidelines, protocols, resources, corporate documents, branding and logos etc… 
  4. An intranet can allow users to subscribe to information / data / groups alerting them to any changes.  
For more information visit: Company Intranets
Some employees may not be interested in using a company intranet because of the other communication methods available. The following YouTube video containing 3 easy steps an intranet manger can use to encourage employees to use the companies intranet. 

Guffey, M.E., Lowey, D., Rhodes, K. and P. Rogin (2013). Business Communication: Process & Product. Fourth Brief Canadian Edition.         Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education.

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