March 11, 2014

Video Phones and Presence Technology

Isn't better to see a person face to face rather than just listening to them through the phone?
A video phone is a telephone device transmitting and receiving a visual message as well as sound, allows one to do that. There are many benefits of a video phone such as:
  • Face-to-face interaction- One will be able to communicate verbally and non-verbally. Instead of just hearing the other persons voice you will also be able to see their facial expressions, hand gestures, and eye contact. 
  • Saves money- You do not have to travel to another place/country for a meeting or conference. It allows you to see the presentation as if you are there.  
  • Share events- recording and sending a video almost instantaneously makes it possible to capture an important event/moment. 
  • Beneficial for the hearing impaired- Makes it much easier for those who use sign language or read lips.

Presence technology is a type of application that makes it possible to locate and identify a computing device whenever it might be, when the user is connected to a network. 
Also, presence technology helps determine the status of your contacts. For example, if a persons indicators is busy, it means that the person is involved in other activities.  Knowing if a person is available or online is beneficial however, privacy is also an issue. You may only want a few individuals to know that you are available.
To solve this problem, softwares now allow you to decide how you want your presence to be displayed to others and to whom specifically. You can block certain people or everyone from viewing your status.
Forgetting to change you status is another problem. For example, if you have your status as online and you went to go have lunch, individuals may be trying to contact you without knowing your current status.

References: video-conferencing.htm
Guffey, M.E., Lowey, D., Rhodes, K. and P. Rogin (2013). Business Communication: Process & Product. Fourth Brief Canadian Edition.         Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education.

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