February 08, 2014

Telephony:VoIP, Open Offices and Multifunctional Printers

Technology has changed the way we interact with individuals on a daily bases. Just stop and think about how convenient technology has become for you? How would you complete these activities without technology? I know I would not be able to complete tasks effectively and efficiently without the advanced technology that is available to me! Technology has allowed individuals to communicate via text messaging, e-mail, Skype etc.

Today's workplaces have also adapted to the advanced technology to stay relevant and competitive. Wireless networks, innovative software, and numerous technologies has allowed workers to share data, information, knowledge,work from remote locations and be more productive. Technology has also allowed individuals to telecommute (work from home, work over the internet).One has to become familiar with the modern office and collaborative technologies to be successful in today's workplace.

The following is a YouTube video which shows how workplaces are evolving with technology and how open offices, collaborative technology, and communication lead to success in the global market place- 

Businesses are switching from traditional phones which are connected from a land line to telephones that use internet connection which is known as Telephony that use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). High-end VoIP systems support, voice mail, e-mail, and soft phones (phones using computer networking). Low-cost sites such as Skype are being utilized by businesses as well.
This is an example of a Telephony: VoIP

Many businesses are adapting an open office space which allows for a more flexible and communicative interaction between employees. Many businesses do not have assigned office spaces to each employees. They are encouraged to sit and communicate with each other. Small computers, flat screen monitors, boomerang shaped tables, and digital databases are all ways businesses are able to save space. 

Open Offices
Businesses are straying away from printers, fax machines, scanners to multifunction printers that will be able to perform all the above tasks with one machine. Offices are changing from a "print and distribute" environment to a "distribute to print" environment. Some security measures put into place are pass codes, thumbprint which make sure data and information from being captured, interpreted and edited. 
Multifunctional Printer
Food For Thought: 
How are other ways the three devices (Telephony, Open Offices and Multifunctional Printers) mentioned above benefit businesses? How different would the workplace have been if companies did not adapt advanced technology? 

Guffey, M.E., Lowey, D., Rhodes, K. and P. Rogin (2013). Business Communication: Process & Product. Fourth Brief Canadian Edition.         Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education.

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